Outstanding & Thorough
MIGS Online Tutoring has provided outstanding, thorough tutoring and homework assistance for GEAR UP Birmingham (GUB) as they have worked “interdependently” with the school administration, teacher(s), parents and students. They work to provide an extensive knowledge of subjects related to the needs of their students, especially, Math and English. I highly recommend using MIGS!
- Tan G. Birmingham, Alabama
Very Knowledgeable
“Did a great job in breaking down objectives and helping one see the bigger picture. Has a great sense of emotional intelligence and empathy and puts one’s anxiety at ease. Very experienced in writing and it shows.”
– Johnny M., Arlington, TX
Knowledgeable and knows how to make the student think!
“MIGS definitely helped my confidence as a writer. My tutor was patient in teaching me how to look at my own work, she asked questions that made me think about how I wrote, and she helped me refine the work that I started with. I would definitely recommend MIGS to anyone looking to be successful at writing and critiquing their own work. She was truly a gem to work with and she lived up to the profile she has here on this site! I was truly blessed to have her help in writing my thesis!”
– Shatoya E., Shiloh, NC

Caring & Passionate
My daughter responded well to their engaging approach to education and genuine interest in her potential. Under MIGS’ guidance and encouragement, my daughter and other students consistently realized measurable gains.
– Thelma R., Birmingham, AL

From Failing to Passing!
“Originally when I first took the class I failed it. Thank you so much for your support throughout all our sessions. I'm officially a Curry College graduate with my bachelors in Business Management! I am forever grateful.”
– Dennis V., Boston, MA

Highly Skilled & Intelligent Tutor
“MIGS helped me with a paper that has been haunting me over the last quarter, when in fact, my tutor pointed out the steps needed in answering critical questions. We discussed formulating research questions, research design, and theoretical constructs. I highly recommend MIGS, as I plan to ask for feedback someday when I plan my dissertation!”
– Christina B., Hacienda Heights, CA
Great Approach To Learning
MIGS are very resourceful. My tutor loves the subject matter that he is teaching. He has a great approach and meets you at your level. He is also genuinely concerned about the student's progress.
– Mary A., New York
Great Accounting Knowledge
"MIGS helped me with my Accounting I class. My tutor was very patient, with my system issues and my childcare mishaps. He was non - judgmental when it came to what I know and what I don't know as well as how my brain processes information. He was flexible and was able to go over what I needed to know even when I had a hard time telling him what I needed to study. I will definitely be going back to MIGS for assistance if need be in Accounting II.
– Yvonne B., Texas